Price advantage
With a subscription you save up to 35% compared to one-way tickets.
With the red Arnold to the concert (Constance subscriptions)
For all Philharmonic Concerts in Constance, your concert ticket entitles you to a free round trip to the concert on the day of the concert on the buses of Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH in the VHB-City-Zone Constance (excluding Nachtschwärmer, Seehas and RAB).
The program magazine "Takt
At our events in the Konzil and in Kreuzlingen you will receive our current concert program.
Subscription cards and subscription renewals
Subscribers receive the new subscription cards with invoice before the beginning of the concert season. Subscriptions are due for payment immediately upon receipt of the invoice.
Subscriptions are automatically renewed if they are not cancelled by May 31 at the latest. In all other respects, the legal norm according to § 309 No. 9 BGB (German Civil Code) applies.
Card exchange
Unable to attend a concert? Change the date FREE OF CHARGE by 12 noon on the day of the concert - except Sundays. There is no entitlement to a seat or to a particular category. Exchange tickets must be redeemed within the current season.
It is not possible to exchange one ticket for another. It is also not possible to exchange into the New Year's Concert.
Discounts for subscribers
Subscribers receive a 5 euro discount on all Philharmonic concerts and special concerts in all categories.
Here you can find our new season preview.
Ticket and Subscription Office (9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)
They are supervised by Patrick Schön
and Elke Mades.
Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz
Fischmarkt 2
78462 Konstanz
Phone: 07531 900-2816